Appellate Law News and Insights

Check Into Arbitration—Appellate Division Enforces Clickwrap Agreement

Published: May 08, 2024
Wilentz attorneys Lynne M. Kizis, co-chair of the Mass Tort/Class Action team, and Joseph Carlo co-authored the article featured in the New Jersey Law Journal's Product Liability & Class Action annual supplement. They review the New Jersey case law on the enforceability of browsewrap and clickwrap agreements in light of...

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Upcoming Supreme Court Decisions Could Change The Landscape For Challenging Federal Agency Regulations

Published: May 08, 2024
Three cases, all argued this term before the United States Supreme Court and likely to be decided in June, carry major implications for litigation between federal agencies and regulated entities. Depending on the Court's decisions, these cases may overturn one longstanding doctrine of administrative law, and substantially alter the landscape...

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U.S. Supreme Court Unanimously Resolves A Circuit Split: Pure Omissions Are Not Actionable Under Rule 10b–5

Published: May 03, 2024
In Macquarie Infrastructure Corp. v. Moab Partners1, the U.S. Supreme Court recently resolved a split among U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeal when it unanimously held that “[s]ilence absent a duty to disclose, is not misleading under Rule 10b–5”. While “half-truths” are still actionable under that provision, a pure omission is not....

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